
As long as I don’t have to see them.

Under age sex work is rape.

I think that some of that just stems from their sense of entitlement. When you live a consequence free life you don’t developp any skills in risk management.

This - this right here. I believe sex work is work and like any other job there are age limits. If you aren’t old enough to consent for free you can’t consent for pay. 

The problem is that it is likely that Gaetz paid underage sex workers. That should not be destigmatized. 

What’s great is that at one meeting they tried to play it cool and pay with cash - but the investigation has records of them withdrawing the cash from atm in Hotel lobby!

And he paid them using Apple Pay! If you’re going to do something illegal at least don’t leave easy to find digital receipts. The astonishing stupidity of these people never ceases to amaze.

With his incredible fame, he’s probably grown too big for his Bridgertons.

His Tucker Carlson interview is kind of hilarious because of how not sympathetic Carlson is. At one point he implicates Carlson by asking if he remembers having dinner with him and a date (who was probably one of the, maybe underage, call girls) and Carlson just looks shocked and goes full damage control “I have no

I cannot take credit for this:

Especially since they probably refer to adult women as girls.

In my opinion, whenever a person like Gaetz refers to a 17-year-old child as a “woman”, they are definitely guilty of what they are denying. 

Love me all you want baby.

How about getting a giant ass Boos cutting board and putting over the sink to extend the counter when needed?

This always happens to me when I wash ladles. I forget that they’re essentially just big trampolines for water, and get soaked in the face.

That’s gonna splash every-fuckin-where! I have fallen victim to enough spoons under the tap to know I need some sort of deepish basin to save my shirt.

I don’t know that I’d call it a tradition.  It’s too new to be a tradition.  And if we stop now, we can all forget about it in a year or so.  Except for those people whose loved ones were killed, of course, or those who lost everything in massive fires caused by whatever rampant idiocy used something that could cause

Yeah, opening a box full of pink and/or blue balloons is where I draw the line - for parties I’ll attend. I’ll never throw one for myself. Although I do pettily enjoy the idea of trolling all the attendees and opening a box full of... lecture notes on how gender is a construct.

If you really feel the need to let everyone know what genitalia/chromosomes your baby is going to have (and if a baby shower just isn’t enough attention being lavished on you for the simple act of procreating), just buy a fucking pink or blue cake.