
Neel is a totally underrated episode. He had internalized the idea that emotion/domestic chores/grooming wasn’t “manly” and ended up completely depressed and isolated. The Fab 5 did a great job gently luring him out of his hole while still holding him accountable (isn’t that the one where Bobby made him do all the

I think the show has its moments where it still touches on this or lays down a hard truth, although I found more of them in the first two seasons than in season three. For example, there was Robert in episode 2 who, after calling himself fat and lazy for most of the episode, was totally judgmental of his own young

this this this

That makes so much sense! I didn’t know that, but a lot of what he does seems to be more therapy based and less culture.

His title should be something like life coach or counselor. “Culture” is a total misnomer. 

Ahh—great example. Now I know (themoaryouknow.gif).

There is a lot of shock and over-praising when the family sees that the made over dude has cooked a damn meal and managed to pick out his own shirt. 

I can’t quite definite it – an older man who’s handsome, sexy, and stylish, maybe? – but I know for sure that Jeff Goldblum is the quintessential zaddy.

I personally think if the Fab 5 just focused on telling them to execute the basic responsibilities of just being an average accountable adult, that some of the men they were helping would still not grasp it. I find it is was more effective of them to use the “Self Care” angle to introduce concepts like that to

Tangential question: What is a “zaddie”, as in the term shorn hipster zaddies?

!!!!Don’t you come for my Queer Eye Boys!!!!

To be fair, they did a number on Neel when he said that it felt weird to express joy - like it was a non-manly thing to do. I agree that it’s more subtle than maybe some viewers would like, but they’re not ignoring these things, they just focus more on mindset and emotional subjects because they’re better TV. No one

This one is a mix of straight maleness and American culture though. While just as toxic, men in other places I have lived and worked (Italy, Argentina, Germany and Brazil for a hot second) are able to wash dishes, cook, dress themselves, fold their laundry. We have become a sloppy ass society and men are at the helm

I live in Houston, and that amount of flooding just scares me beyond belief.  The water can look so still but be running so fast underneath the surface. Not to mention all the disgusting shit and hazards running along with it. God people are dumb.

Porter is standing on a crate and Miller is standing in a trench.

So, can Fox begin acknowledging that he’s fucking senile now? Just screaming out Fake News at things he doesn’t like being asked about is like actual dementia-level-cognitive function. It makes zero sense and is hostile and insane.

Obviously our healthcare is better. More expensive means better. Why skimp on your health? Why would you want to get treated for $60 when you could get a luxury $20,000 treatment?


Everything very spot on except...was she just a Portuguese migrant worker for the summer? In Southern Europe, that kind of migration is kinda common, especially to richer, more northern countries during high season.....I always thought she returned home to Portugal and he followed there.