
wow, that was well thought out. Agree!

I just assume they will get hired at Fox, or OANN or some such trash.

Also second. I wait everyday for Barf Bag because it covers multiple topics, some that are smaller and overlooked. We don’t need to call it BarfBag, but if this is really going away, I’m really going to miss it. It is usually the one-stop shop for all the good comments. 

Also agree with your description of the song and cheesy nature of this type of event. And yet tears!!

Yay for someone else who doesn’t like fireworks! I never minded them that much myself until moving to a slightly rurual surburban town in Texas where they shoot them off all the time around the holidays and the 4th of July. I was always so anxious that my house would burn down since people shoot them off illegally

I hate fireworks on principle. Bad for the environment, and really can mess with animals, kids, people with ptsd, etc. I’m just over it. I realize I’m a scrooge here and most people just shove aside these complaints.

agree. She didn’t try to change it too much, although the hand motions were a bit too theatrical for me- it is Lady Gaga though so why am I surprised?

seriously, lots of hugs and close talking!!

it was better when they were walking through the capital. I think it just fits poorly. 

Agree. It is covering his nostrils.

I enjoy Friends a lot. Always good to put on in background of laundry or something. Definitely some cringe here and there in 2020but overall solid.

thanks. I assumed I would disagree with his policies as a governor (he’s still a republican so no hope on agreement there). 

Had a similar reply up top. The second one is so much better, even if cliche standard world leader pose as you stated.

If she had had the stance she does in the second pic it would have been better for sure.

Is Arnold evil? Anyone have a more nuanced opinion? I thought he had been poking the GOP bear for awhile now, with his support of climate change policies, etc??

I like her signature shoes on the top pic, but I love the second one better for gold background, coloring, stance and her facial expression. The second one seems very lush and that she is in charge. The first one has her looking a bit confused. “I’m on Vogue??”

Watched it in ninth grade for the first time. I wanted to be in that dance scene so badly. 

Right?! Seriously you did a good job, now retire and train some fresh faces. Why do you want to work when you are almost 90 years old?!!

I hate open concept. All the mom’s on house hunters want one huge room. May be nice with toddlers to keep an eye on them, but in the long run who wants their messy smelly kitchen next to their couch and no walls to get away from each other???

well here is another snarky article about Taylor Swift. I’m not a huge fan but I am enjoying Folklore. I’m so over Jez’s take of her.