Two teenagers were taken to the hospital on Wednesday after being found in the Paris catacombs. The Guardian reports…
Two teenagers were taken to the hospital on Wednesday after being found in the Paris catacombs. The Guardian reports…
Remember when weeks and weeks would go by without a high-stakes congressional hearing?
Stacey Abrams, who currently serves as the Democratic leader of the Georgia State House, announced today that she’s…
Dust off your protest signs, my pals, because our addled buffoon of a president is reportedly poised to shoot us all…
There’s a new Guardians of the Galaxy movie! Let’s talk about it.
I’ll talk to the eggheads in the lab and see what they can do.
I’m pretty disappointed that it does nothing on the Kotaku page itself.
I just want another Obsidian Fallout, and I’m pretty sure they do too.
Ever wonder what Fallout: New Vegas would look like in in a newer engine? One modder is trying to make that fantasy…
If Prince Charles would like to add another title to his impressive pile, perhaps he would consider accepting the…
If you enter Ivanka Trump’s childhood bedroom, located on the 68th floor of Trump Tower, you will find, among other…
In the New Yorker, Rachel Aviv has written about “resignation syndrome,” an affliction specific to immigrant…
When a fire broke out on the ninth floor of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York in 1911, 146 garment workers…
During his first month in office, the United States’ maniac-in-chief has received little pushback on his budding…
Last year, when I was invited to sing “O Canada” at the NBA All-Star Game, I was happy for the opportunity to…
You may have seen the news on your Facebook feed, or on the front page of Reddit’s popular r/games subreddit:…
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.
If we all just offer up enough Thoughts and Prayers (tm), we’ll never have another mass shooting again.