
Houses are pretty overbuilt in that way. This one still had about three and three-quarters of its walls and the header that spreads the load across all those remaining studs in that wall was probably intact. (In another important aspect, the damage was not only small compared to the size of the house, but really

Let’s not forget that balloon framing makes every wall cavity in an old house a chimney. Old houses burn much more quickly than new ones. The 110-year-old house I live in could have stood at least one more load-bearing wall. Headers around the stairways and the windows would have been a good idea too. It’s no wonder

Most cheap home builders in the 90’s and early 2000’s were only using OSB at the corners for lateral bracing and used that cheap foam fiberboard sheathing product everywhere else. Combined with vinyl siding, you have an exterior wall you could put your fist through. Not to mention the other corners that were often

When you think about it, he went through maybe four 2x4's — maybe 2x6s or 2x8's because of the height, but still, sticks — and some wood siding and sheathing, and on the inside, drywall. That’s pretty stout with respect to its intended loads, but not meant to stop a speeding truck, so no surprise that it won’t.

Yup. My house is one of those older houses and lathe and plaster was on every wall. But do you know what wasn't behind that lathe? Insulation, decent wiring, beams spaced on center, ECT. Old houses can be good but you had better learn carpentry and quick or be rich. I'm not rich. 

What do you want out of a house? The shells that the battleship Pennsylvania weighed 1500 pounds. That truck weighs two tons.

Vinyl siding, I believe is the term you’re looking for. With oriented strand board and house wrap behind it.

Exactly why this article is dumb. You dont have to use it.

As a software and (sometimes) application developer who has developed applications and web services for [major American automaker redacted], you may have missed the forest for the trees.

Maybe if you were fancier you’d understand how useful this can be. Remote control of some functions is good. Being able to access the car just by having the phone on you is good. Not having to carry around a bulky fob is good.

That all sounds fancy and high-tech, but what was so wrong with a plain, old car key that Lincoln felt the need to develop this feature?”

You are forgetting some great features...locking your car from 1000 miles away when it’s in an aiport garage and you forgot.  And starting/preconditioning your car from several train stops away one your way home from work...

Exactly. #Boymom is the precursor to “Boys will be boys.”

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the

And the nurses who complaints about Dr. not following protocol who are routinely ignored wave back. Now there are certainly safeguards that exist, but Doctors (and Nurses) who routinely make mistakes are very likely to have their mistakes swept under the rug rather than report them out. That doesn’t mean that’s always

I never could stand NDT, and it offends me that he’s considered the heir to the throne of Carl Sagan. Sagan was a constant advocate for science and was personable and empathetic. In contrast, Tyson is a pedant that thinks he’s the science pope.

I think his tweet was terrible timing and dumb, but we basically do next to nothing about medical mistakes, we have anti-vaxxers causing increases in flu cases, our mental health care in this country is a joke, and our safety standards with cars is actually pretty good but our infrastructure sucks and leads to

He has a point tho, no ones cares as much about the deaths caused by traffic accidents etc as much as they do when 1 person gets shot.

Similarly, Amaterasu takes deep offense at this article. After all, Toyota is Japanese, so the sun under which this was born is hers.

I’d welcome more vehicles with the flexibility of various power sources in one package. ICE, plug-in, sun, small nuclear reactor, wind power, it’s all good. Gimme gimme