(>^-^) Says Relax

Cumin! I meant cumin, I swear! Damn space bar.

I like to put cum in my Beefaroni. It really enhances the flavor.

Wait... It was live?

Still nowhere near as bad as my ‘88 unforced errors of investing in slap bracelets and that Tiffany record.


I remember reading a news article somewhere in the Midwest where a guy tried to rob a gun store— with a knife.

Rushing the darts finals seems like only a slightly better plan than rushing a fencing stage.

Can’t be, the thief is still alive.

Maybe the first lampshade is the life of the party?

Really needed Double XP after Penny Arcade, today.

Good for her, I hope these kinds of things get more visibility. The more they see the light, the less we can stop hating on each other. Games should be enjoyed by everyone

Scott Bakula is confused as to why his name has been associated with the above picture of Scott Baio

So you got to use the line “Thanks Obama” and have an actual point for doing so. Classy.

In the same sense there is no other reason than morality not to piss in your mom’s coffee before bringing it to her on New Years Morning...

Masturbate furiously. You know damn well that’s where that energy is going to be spent instead.

I still cannot understand people who decide to go on the Internet to enter chats and message boards so they can be as inappropriate as possible.

It’s not just California. It rains 11 months out of the year up here in Seattle and folks don’t seem to know how to handle it. God forbid we get a dusting of snow. It might take you 6 hours to get home.