(>^-^) Says Relax

0O(T_T)O0 Rip Princess

I was hoping for a response similar too, albeit less fatal and more hilarious, when the guy tried to rob a gun shop and got shot by the patrons.

Reggie Fils-Aime?

Is it about an infant? I was thinking it meant an adult diaper for after surgery.

Yeah, Let’s show the legitimacy of our news sports team by PUTTING BUMPER STICKERS ON THE BACK OF REAL SPORTS JERSEYS.

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Yes..... but as a whole Washington drivers are passive aggressive dingbats with no common sense. I grew up in the bay area for 16 years before moving to King County. We spoke of snow as a thing of legend. Still I knew snow and ice were dangerous and had to take caution and go slow. Same with the bay area. People know

Curtis: If you search Amazon for “painting” this is what you’ll find. 

Cause this is taking cosplay to the Bigly.

Now playing

I credit Version 2.0, and specifically Push It, with defining my taste in music growing up. I was no longer just listening to what my parents listened to. There still one of my favorites to this day and great in concert.

That’s because the world around Shirley Manson has to age a bit faster, to compensate for the fact that she does not. A worthy trade off, I believe.

dedicated to sharing everyday life experiences with strangers.

Exactly. Now attach a light bulb to the end of it and watch it self power. Boom!

True. Now if we turn this repetitive motion into a form of energy generation, akin to a hamster on a wheel, we could solve energy issues right there.

Right! Imagine what we as humanity could accomplish with all the time and energy these people, using the term loosely, spend putting into spewing this vitriol for nothing else then self gratification.

My opinions are my own and from a cis male perspective. That said my beliefs are gender, sexuality, race and religion fluid. Being an asshole has no boundaries.

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I know it’s not a movie, but I feel for sad haunting covers for cinematic trailers this needs to be here.