
Its too bad your room is just doing a song when you could be making a haunted house! For our festival days there was always one haunted house room too but it was NEVER the room I was in! Which was so disappointing each year. Not just for me but for everyone! Because the room that did make the haunted house always

Diskwiss, do you just chomp our posts down quickly or do you let them melt in your mouth first?

Does Loxonin help you sleep? If you don't have a bad reaction to it, then maybe it would be a good thing to take during your flight? I've never heard of it before though and don't know what it does. I wish you weren't going to school today, but I'm glad at least you won't have to go to PE. I hope you can get a good

Diskwiss, does the sound of our typing echo through the internet and help you to fall asleep?

I'm sorry you're feeling bad and I'm relieved you are back safe at home. Are you going to try to rest? Does the sound of the rain help you sleep?

Diskwiss, your school had too many rules I bet, that's why you turned out like you did.

No babysitting either? That doesn't even make sense! They should encourage babysitting as it requires fast thinking and responsibility and patience and okay, you know all of that way better than anyone! Now I'm doubly glad that you babysit your cousins because that is a rule made to be broken. And I'm glad you

Diskwiss, I hope you have the internet all secured with plywood and sheets of plastic because if the internet gets wet all our posts will be ruined.

Its against school rules to get married? Okay, that is I don't know what! How can they have a rule like that? Well, I guess in a way that makes it even more romantic knowing that you are breaking the rules and not letting society stand in your way!

Diskwiss, when you bite our posts, are you really just trying to get our attention?

Don't you think people at school are going to start suspecting from your behaviour that something is going on? I don't think I could hide news that big! Like, a teacher might be scolding you for something but you would just keep smiling and then say OH SORRY I was thinking of something else!

Diskwiss, everything I said about stacking wood I also feel about you.

I'm glad that you are freaking out in a happy way! Being in school doing regular school things the same as always must seem SURREAL when you think how soon will be your wedding day! How many people at school know now?

Diskwiss, would you quit driving your dirtbike around in circles inside the internet? You're not impressing anyone and you're bound to break something eventually.

I don't know how you can be so cool with everything coming up so fast! Does school feel a little more distant than usual? I know when there are important things coming up in my life, I get so much less aware of anything else going on around me, I never totally feel like my feet are on the ground.

Diskwiss, I'm sorry about every bad thing I've ever said about you USO DESU!

Its sad you are back in the school routine so quickly. I remember that was maybe the saddest feeling of the year, during the first day of school when it finally sunk in that holidays were really over. I'm glad you have so many good things coming up so soon to look forward to!

Diskwiss, I found this post behind my desk, it must have fallen there a long time ago because its all dusty and there's a spider on it. Anyway, its all yours.

I found a new snack today while getting groceries that I'll tell you about because I think just knowing about it will definitely improve your day. Peanut butter wafer cookies! I nearly fainted in the store! So they're going to be my Thursday movie night snacks along with pineapple pizza. Its taking so much

Diskwiss, do you sometimes crisp up our posts before eating them?