Diskwiss, I got you the Top Gun soundtrack on vinyl for Christmas before remembering that's what I got you last year. So Merry Christmas anyway I guess.
Diskwiss, I got you the Top Gun soundtrack on vinyl for Christmas before remembering that's what I got you last year. So Merry Christmas anyway I guess.
Diskwiss, are you afraid of bananas?
Odduck, our cat used to climb our trees and knock them over until we discovered she was afraid of bananas. So we'd put bananas under the tree and it kept her away! They're the least Christmassy fruit though. Can you imagine the Herald Angels harking in between chomps on bananas? Me neither.
Diskwiss, eat our posts if you must, but don't rest your elbows on the internet and chew with your mouth closed.
Merry Christmas to you and Pixie too, Odduck! Cats are the best at Christmas, I hope you have lots of wrapping paper and empty boxes for Pixie to play around in!
Diskwiss, you're like Santa Claus except without the presents and you stink.
I didn't realise you couldn't get turkey. Now I feel bad for mentioning it so often. I had a turkey sandwich just today. But I like KFC too, so I guess its a good trade. I just looked up Colonel Sanders Santa right now and I'm looking at millions of pictures of him! There's some of him in yukata too and there's…
Diskwiss, if you were a Clue character, you'd be Mr. Jerk.
YES to no more school!
Diskwiss, I can just tell you are one of those people who doesn't order fries but then eats everyone else's fries.
There is a family registry? You mean like a giant family tree with everyone in the country on it?
Diskwiss, if you were in a wooden box I'd nail it shut and catapult it into a volcano.
Yeah, the word gift would probably lead to misunderstanding and a very awkward moment, haha! But otherwise that is a good idea to start your engagement speech by saying you have an announcement before saying what it is. If EB is right there beside you they'll probably guess what your announcement is, right? Its a…
Diskwiss, you better not be a spy for Scholastic.
Oh yeah, Christmas is coming up so fast! Have you thought about how you are going to tell your parents? And what about your cousin, she's right there so she can see how things are and won't be surprised, will she? Are you looking forward to announcing your engagement or nervous or both?
Diskwiss, I can hardly concentrate in here with your Best of Kenny Loggins CD blasting at full volume. Can't you at least switch to Christmas with Kenny Loggins?
Was today karuta day? I'm sorry it went badly, but its all done with now and that's the important thing. And you know when I lose at something, which is usually, I remind myself that by losing I gave someone else the fun of winning. Which only helps if you aren't playing against jerks. You didn't have to play…
Diskwiss, nobody wants to watch videos of you playing Grand Theft Auto.
Now I'm imagining you at the Indian restaurant still in your PJs and fuzzy Garfield slippers, haha!