I think they’ll both be in survival mode, and Fuches will almost certainly be turning state’s evidence against Barry in exchange for some kind of clemency -- and yet after every day of the trial, they’ll have to return together to the same jail.
I think they’ll both be in survival mode, and Fuches will almost certainly be turning state’s evidence against Barry in exchange for some kind of clemency -- and yet after every day of the trial, they’ll have to return together to the same jail.
Speaking of which, there seemed to be a little sleight-of-hand at the car dealership. We clearly see Barry walk into it, and behind a wall. Then, when the salesman is shooting the biker gal, Barry magically reappears in front of a crowd that is clearly placed there to conceal his reemergence from the building. We…
Hank’s probably watched way too much Die Hard.
As tenderly as Hader acts moments of sorrow or desperation, Barry will always be a device, a punchline. I guess we should be used to it by now, but I still long for sudden depths of humanity.
Or what they think they want...
“[...] there was immediate backlash from fans on social media.”
I wonder also if she just doesn’t know what to do, how to deal with Barry in those moments, and so she just pretends it’s not happening? A frequent coping mechanism for many.
The whole bit with the bomb felt like the world of Barry colliding with Silicon Valley. I guess Alec Berg misses his old gig?
What is that hand signal he’s making in the photo?
Because the guy who should have been the head adult on set was a man who was allowing Hardy to get away with threatening behavior (Doug Mitchell, whom she names above). She felt like a woman producer would have interceded on her behalf, where Mitchell or possibly another man might not have. What do you think?
Are there gaming startups with all women? Why not seek them out and write an article about them?
The Drawn Together commentary tracks are hilarious and filthy, and she’s part of that. She’s got such a droll sense of humor. They’re all talking all over each other and it’s like being at a party with all your friends.
How does this compare to Foundation?
This isn’t a story about resolution. If anything, it’s a story about living with the loose ends.
Getting strong Joffrey Baratheon vibes off of that picture.
Is this sort of like a Stephen Decatur / U.S.S. Philadelphia situation?
Ant-Man beef: red meat or white meat?
This game finally came out this past week. Are you guys gonna review it?
Why do they use the term “meta”? To me that means something that’s self-referential or self-describing. This isn’t meta at all; it seems to be nothing but a gimmick. Please help me understand.
I could be reading this wrong, but did you intend to say “doesn’t” a couple of times in your post where you actually left it as “does”? I wouldn’t nitpick except the distinction changes the meaning dramatically.