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I can think of a couple of choices in the same ballpark. Jennifer Jason Leigh and Stockard Channing come to mind.

If it weren’t for the Internet, I wouldn’t have figured it out ahead of time. I was content to let the story unveil itself at its own pace. I kinda wish I hadn’t read all the theories on the Internet now.

Can we have an hour and a half of Kate McKinnon singing and playing music every week? Please?

Is anybody else getting a strong Black Rock City vibe off of that Vaes Dothrak painting?

Many of the departments did outstanding work on those films, including the costume department and the art department. It’s just unfortunate that it all hung on a half-baked story with apathetic directing.

It reminded me of Palpatine’s episode from the beginning of Revenge of the Sith.

And it *still* wouldn’t correctly post his result on Facebook.

I can’t agree with your conclusion. Maybe I’m mistaken, but Captain America is now an international criminal; if he wasn’t before, he at least made himself one when he busted his crew out of the ocean dungeon. And now they’re being given asylum in a small, isolationist country. It’s going to be an uncomfortable