
That's a pretty generous use of the term "genius".

Fucking human garbage. 

Yup, this absolves them....

What can I say about a movie like this?

I thought there might have to be a flip in there, but I could be wrong. 

That write did more to discourage me from watching it.

See, I don't think opinions can be wrong, per se. Sure, they can be ill-informed, ignorant, and differing, but I think the real problem is people viewing opinions as facts.

I will check that!? Shit! Gottago!

I've only watched old NoMeansNo shows (i get the redundancy of that statement). Other than that, I'm not sure I've seen anything live...I might hop on and game if anyone wants to....anyone? I'm all alone and drinking beer! Help me feel better about myself!

Oh, how my wife wishes that were true.

Watched it last night; very good and leagues better than Antrum. Thanks for the recommendation. :)

You're the second person in a week to recommend this, so I'll watch it tomight. Thanks :) raise a good point...

This, indeed. "It's ass" is the best review.

It’s not good. I watched this 2 weeks ago, and I was incredibly disappointed (seems like a theme for me today). There are better films, people...

I don't like this fucking guy.

My childhood dreams did not consist of this.

Not for nothin’ but he sounds like half of my Scottish, Celtic-daft family, and I think-in the eyes of my nieces and nephews- I’m him...

Thanks, wrestling fan! 

Perhaps one of the most disappointing movies I've attempted to watch.