
My deepest condolences. My mom passed away at the end of February, and we realized how "lucky" we were to actually have a funeral (my sister was able to fly in from England)....again, my deepest condolences. 

Yeah...the recall missed a few....those things go for a helluva lot on dBay, though

Yeah, I’ve heard about your penis.

My dad gave me similar, somewhat truncated advice...

I see what you did there...


Now? Like, right now? 

I’ve often said myself that the thing I love about my wife is that she never, ever jokes...

Hey, she was one of my co-stars!

Thank you!

This movie should just be renamed “Hubris: The Musical”.

Michelle Rodriguez as Saff, maybe?

Yeah, I agree....Kate McKinnon is talented, but her personality is really starting to outsize her characters. 

Kinda meh on most of these, but Will Ferrel should not be anywhere near this fucking thing. 

I dunno that it's "tone deaf", per se, but it really seems more about a "cavalcade of fading relevance" than anything else....not for nothing, but aren't all 3 hosts represented by the same agent? 

As this shit drags on, I’m becoming less and less intetested in celebrities desperately clinging to any sort of relevance...I used to be a huge Colbert fan, but...nah...and Fallon and Kimmel? Fuck those guys....lest we forget Kimmel is the piece of shit that barfed the Man Show into existence...and Fallon? Yeah,

I Never Cared What They Did That Summer.

I got nothing. RIP. This has been a shit day.

Isn't that make-up? Do you mean rogue? Or, are you a make-up wearing pirate? ....with bad grammar?

Didn’t pornhub prank everyone a few years ago with a Facebook “thanks for sharing” and a thumbs-up symbol anytime someone clicked on a video?