My wife works at a university famous for geese at mating and nesting season. They are, indeed, fucking awful.
My wife works at a university famous for geese at mating and nesting season. They are, indeed, fucking awful.
So, am I to understand these are quotes from the movie?
I’m pissed.
Having grown up in a crazy Scottish catholic family (I’m aware of the redundancy of that statement), I have no time for anyone-no matter the denomination-that shoehorns religion into weird places, then discusses it any opportunity. Believe what you want-I certainly have my beliefs-but keep it the fuck to your…
I don’t like him. He can believe/worship whatever he wants, but I don’t have to like it. I never said he has to stop, did I?
Is that a Capoiera move?
That’s fine and all, but I’m still waiting for a politician to quote NoMeansNo.
“Embezzlement scheme” is my new go-to for terrible movies
It seems the more he discloses about himself, the easier it is to dislike him.
Will David Lo Pan be appearing in Dr.Strange 2? Shouldn't he?
“Hi, I’m the overwhelming insecurity that convinces you that receiving a useless statue from incredibly vapid, self-centred assholes is a good thing made manifest Trixie Mattel”
While I think no host is the best way to go-and, to be honest, I never watch the show, so it's all one to me-if they were dead set on having a host or hosts, they should go the complete opposite and get Trxie and Katya.
Wow...can't hide the Heino, eh Andy?
Karen Gillan is just....*sigh*, so dreamy.
I wonder if Hereditary will be recognized for anything this year.
Watched a thouroughly depressing, factually-heavy documentary on some guy who killed his pregnant wife and 2 daughters in Colorado...then my ps4 died. Then I took my son and his best friend to a VR arcade.
Okie dokie
I liked to look of the show, and the acting at times was fantastic (that redhead girl in particular), but as soon as Allison Williams showed up, it just took a nosedive for me...the last 3 episodes in particular were just a mess to me.
I’ve never found Kevin Hart even remotely entertaining, and I never watch the Oscars, so really the only thing that really annoys me is how much of a weasel Hart seems to be. It’s annoying, but ultimately it becomes “eh, what a useless piece of human garbage he is, so, to hell with him”