
To me, it’s good, to me.

This dude right here would get a gulag too. Just something to think about.

Sure. But you missed Oscar Isaac

“Folks. Folks. Folks. None of the actresses today, none of them, folks, let’s just say I have seen them all naked in their movies, and folks, and let me tell you, not that impressive. Now that Kylie Jagger, she is a good-looking lady. Give her the Best Picture Oscar. Kylie Jagger, you are the winner. Come on up here.”

Fuck the Oscars.

No. He gets gulags.

I don’t know man. The issue is sexual harassment but it is also rape and child molestation too.

Who would win?
Emu, cassowary, ostrich, swan, or a freakishly giant angry turkey?

This dude is worth a lot of money because of capitalism. In communism, we would send him to gulags. Just something to think about.

“Just start ignoring... the Oscars...”

It doesn’t justify anything.

Now playing

Watching old Stairway to Stardom videos on Youtube.

Look it up.

I can’t with the #OscarsSoWhite stuff after I learned Misty Upham was raped at the Golden Globes in a bathroom by a Weinstein associate and the people in the bathroom just cheered. Why do people want validation from those fools?

Casey Affleck just counts as Ben Affleck because we would not know who he was if not for Ben Affleck.

Ewww... Eli Roth, Louis CK, and Dane Cook are massholes.

When he was a teen. I mean, who amongst teens in Massachusetts have not committed hate crimes?

Which Masshole is the worst: Mark Wahlberg, Ben Affleck, or Matt Damon?

Which Masshole is the worst: Mark Wahlberg, Ben Affleck, or Matt Damon?