
She was just a naughty Maury Povich type teen.

My sister ran away and then was gone for like a whole summer.
Anyway, if I am an adult, I am not sheltering my 8th grade daughter's runaway teen friend for like 3 months. I am calling CPS.

It sounds like it's mostly ambient music of like nature sounds and shit like that.

"Gurrrl, Trust me I Don't Have AIDS," by MC Rawdawg.
Also, "Just 'Cuz Yo Boi Grew up Rich and White, Don't Mean I Don't Get Down. Girl I Have AIDS," by MC Rawdawg.

If Spotify faked a bunch of music and put it on a playlist called "Weird 80s shit with a low play count, what the fuck is it?" that might piss me off.

What would a character in a French film do?
Yes, then befriend the husband.
Things may get a little bisexual for a minute and then someone is getting stabbed. Probably you.

Tell her that marriage is just a piece of paper and then give her a key to motel room but don't show up and watch from across the street.

I hated the boyfriend too but I do think she should have quit that job too.

It's a good television show. It's got hot priests.

See, if the US was all tsunami and earthquake proof like Japan, that might be a comforting thought, but most of the buildings in that region were not built to any earthquake standard. Japan still had 18,000 plus die in their giant tsunami, but they had tsunami walls protecting a lot of their villages and they had an

The only morning talk show hosts I listened to regularly during my life time where Free Beer and Hot Wings. Anyway, they used to make fun of Suzanne Geha, especially during the whole Duane Faust/ mystery project thing that happened in Grand Rapids, which is still one of the funniest news stories I have ever followed.

They should really stop building up on the coasts and instead the federal government should start buying people out and moving them to higher ground or something.

Hmmm… Fracking earthquakes are fun too, especially when they start to happen in areas with old ass dams that could break and flood thousands. All you would need is very heavy rains to coincide with a fracking earthquake, and then it goes to shit. Dams are getting old as fuck and they weren't built to handle fracking

If Farrah from Teen Mom can do it, then anyone can.

It's actually not fear mongering like the Yellowstone stuff. It's really probably going to happen in the next 50 years. The FEMA have any set up a special team there to prep for when it does. They didn't know that the fault produced giant earthquakes until like the last ten years, so all their buildings and whatnot

I have been watching Youtube videos about the Cascadia fault, and basically a 9.0 earthquake will probably destroy Seattle in the near future. If I worked at this theater group, I would move out of Seattle instead of putting on a musical. Portland and Vancouver will supposedly be destroyed too. What I am saying guys,

I thought he was in law school.

Ya, but bad.

CNN has got a class action lawsuit about racial discrimination going against it. Supposedly 175 people came forward alleging discrimination.

I can hate both.