Um, one of her looks was literally peeling off in front of you. And her ugly personality dragged down the rest.
Um, one of her looks was literally peeling off in front of you. And her ugly personality dragged down the rest.
No, but your comment implied that people who are upset at the show don't get the show. When the problem is that we do understand the show and think its neutral stance is damaging.
That comment was stupid. Lots of Americans say y'all.
Wow. Thanks for proving my point about the audience the show caters to a largely crazed subsection of white man-babies. You all sure are predictable in your thin-skinned inability to be critiqued. And you all say I'm off my meds lol.
Thank you for proving my point about what kind of audience this show caters to. I knew, if prodded, you sexist and misogynistic fuckfaces couldn't help but show your true colors and not be able to hide behind the show's 'comedy'.
Um, this is the only website where anyone gave a shit about Alaska and it's basically only 10 people repeatedly commenting and going to Katya fans and saying 'No, hunty, you're wrong COS MATH'. Gurl, get with reality: this 'win' is beyond tainted.
Everyone does not suck equally because that is not how power is created and managed in society except as viewed by privileged people. People outside the patriarchy do not suck equally with those in it. They also might suck, but they don't suck equally. Pretending otherwise is immature, damaging and downright stupid…
Uh, your comment lacks basic coherence.
All of your comments have been about how stupid or crazy I am because ZOMG, ZIE CAME FOR OUR MEDIA! And you want to have a civil conversation? Stop moving the goalposts, hunty.
Thanks for proving my point about South Park and the audience it caters to.
Thanks. I'll watch it after I learn to read again because I'm really dumb. Back to my hooked on phonics lesson!
Not to mention Damien Darhk should have won. All of those nuclear bombs flying at the same speed to different geographic distances and somehow all but one being disabled made zero sense. What a letdown. If Arrow's always going to win by season end: who cares?
Cool. Have fun with your next time organizing a Trump Rally.
No, I'm not stupid. Thanks for assuming so! Tells me I don't need to engage with you. This show long ago crossed the line of satire and became about sticking up for those poor white guys or complicating things in some twisted sense of fairness.
I don't know why anyone would want to watch this. Don't people get enough of shitty entitled straight (and now some gay) white guys whining about not being able to say whatever the fuck they want for the first time in history, just by Iogging on the internet? Because they're everywhere, all the time and it's pathetic.…
I liked CeCe but she was also a little one note.
That's the same white woman in charge at work, I swear. Same actress, just toned down for the moment.
Issa Rae isn't a laugh out loud kind of comic. She's more of a 'well, that felt satiating in a deceivingly light, comic way + she really writes for introverts. I'd say she caters a sum total of nada to extroverted understanding of the world and I'd even hazard a number of her side characters are extroverted personal…
I am/was a massive fan of ABG and I think this is such a confident, natural progression of that series that I was impressed as fuck. ABG relied a little too much on bizarre characterization and while Rae's office friend was hilarious, she felt nowhere near as realized or richly written as Molly. So excited for this.