
"(rich a-hole learns responsibility while gaining cool powers)"

Which is called an inner conflict and without seeing the film you are filling in its blank by assuming what happened in our history matches how she personally feels during the run time.

they are evil still and need to be punched by the self rightiest superhero. there will never be people just being people. characters in this medium and genre exist on extreme levels for our entertainment

Is it confirmed she was created from the Gods? Because if so then this is the best version of the Chosen One trope for a superhero film yet. She fights because she was chosen to — created to — by the gods themselves, and she’s there to serve. She is her people's champain and the best representative of DC's Greek

I hope there is a lot more to Amazon culture.

You come down to that conclusion but the narrative itself has to (assumed emptahy). Also that doesn't answer before the big climatic set piece involving Doctor Poison and another superhuman it's Wonder Woman deflecting one outdatted looking bullet after another at the pace of slow motion. …throw in the occasional

Yeah the special effects or the bells and whistles look great, far more capable of justifying the $12 movie ticket compared to everything Synder touched thus far for the DCU. However, there's a problem I have with the lines used in this trailer and the action Wonder Woman performs.

The film. It's in the script

The Astral form is the state of existing outside one's body, which is what happened after Anccient One said "I pushed your astral reform out of your physical form". If this was the Flash show Ancient One would have spent six minutes explaining what that means at a round table. Yeah astral projection except we aren't

And he only picks things up fast in order to gain some competence because of his photographic memory. withotu the gift genetics gave him he would have gotten beaten far more. also without the big drive to better himself he would have ended up probally dead long before the climax

The comics, 70s film, animated film, and cartoons never went away. You can still see the Ancient One in his original format.

Yao the Ancient One is not Tibetan. He is not from any real world Asian country. He was born on a mystical land THAT later became Tibet where ambient energies drew him into magic alongside some convoluted bullshit. Ancient One is also not the first SS (Agamotto is and Zhered-Na, a blonde blue eyed white skin looking

Dark Knight for a noir thriller abided by tropes and a structure that was never brand spanken new. And if you want to argue otherwise let's do it. Throughout all of storytelling there's nothing familiar about Dark Knight? Why this movie and not the other two? Cherry picking what excuatly is so damn fresh about it? How

Problem with Jane Foster is that her love for science never gains a full blown plot of its own, while mostly through 90% of the film she's characterized as a basic romance archtype though even that isn't given any seriousness. It's hammy to the point of being comical. How Portman acts does not reflect the relationship

Plot is the characters actions. What they do should look or sound cool funny cute horrifying suspenseful awkward sexy and so on. Otherwise there's no expression to each physical activity.

I remember nothing from SM2 except Doc Of robbing a bank and fighting SM on a train. I only remember Joker's actions from DK. SM2 plot or character things is hardly ever brought up in script discussions, let alone normal ones for a commentary section like this one. If it stood the test of time then where's the crazy

Read the prelude it has his backstory and well… is basically act one of the film if it wasn't from Steven's view point.

Reviewer you do know SM 2 and DK followed a standard three act story structure, abdying by the tropes of their genres. There's nothing wrong for simply following and having them -_-'. Otherwise every review on Tor for new fantasy sifi novels would be people like you ranting on how boring the story is because there's

Of SWORD for phase 4

No. They are their own group, separate from the HCs. They are also the mortal eniemnies of Iron Fist, which means Danny must honor the tradition of his foster culture by beating the crap out of them.