
Not to sound ignorant, but what causes the rocket to put off a light n shape like that?

Just noticed the honorable mention Taverish. Thanks #ImFamous

Don’t knock that Subaru. Dude is quick with the big turbo set up he’s got. Quick enough to get nabbed doing 127 in a 70 (or something like that). *Disclosure* he got let off with a warning....

I drove ALOT farther than the Si boys did. I detoured to Atlanta before going back to Chicago.

Great article. Loved having you on as part of the Dustball Family. If i need a co-driver or next year, the seat is all yours

So sad. He was a great driver and a real gentleman too. Sad to see this life cut so short like that.

Reminiscent of Massa’s incident at Monza a few years ago. Prayers go out to Justin Wilson and his family. Hope he pulls through

A-10 Thunderbolt. Most awesome thing ever. Premise: Lets build a plane around a gun

Why does it seem that whenever a Russian jet gets near one of our planes it seems like its played off as “just another thing”, yet if the situation were reversed i bet Russia would be all up in arms and bitching and moaning like the bitches they are

I wanna say something similar happened a number of years back at the Chicago Air and Water Show when the Blue Angels were preforming. I remember they were flying then all of a sudden they stopped cause something flew off one of the planes and landed in the water (somewhat near the spectator boaters)

What is the significance of the sailors standing at the edge of the ship when it comes into port? Is there some sort of historical precedence for it?

Ouch. Looked like a nasty hit, even with the safer barrier in place. Seems this year the number of crashes in practice as well as the over all speeds have increased dramatically compared to years past.

The Nissan Juke. The Official car of NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS!!!!

Up until recently, i worked for a certain german car dealer in a northern midwest state. I had to part ways after witnessing numerous immoral and unethical things. Like 1 time use bolts being reused, people being told they’re stuff was under warranty then not following through. Turns out they hadn’t been honoring it

If the Cayman GTS was an option, i would. There’s the Carrera, Carrera 4S, Panamera GTS and Boxster GTS

I’ll be down there at some point this summer to do the “Porsche Driving Experience” thing at their track. Haven’t decided between 911 Carerra or 911 Carerra 4S

Glad i found this. Will come in handy in August when Dustball Rally 2K ends in NYC. Never driven in NYC before, so this should be interesting lol

Now playing

Probably this. Volkswagen Mk4 Jetta with VR6 and W8

Looks like a mix between the Ford Taurus and a VW CC