
@ 1:41 :O :O :O ...

That audi at :41 ROCKED MY WORLD, and I’m not in to Audi’s.

Look here buddy-boy. I guarantee if you were to run a dealership you would fall flat on your ass and would not make any money. You have no idea how tough and competitive that business is. You can only try and hope it (promos and so forth) works. That’s business, that’s the real world, that’s the car sales business.


No results in that link there skip

Or they’ll get a pilot operating another next flight out for that airline that can operate that machine, and THEN worry about finding a replacement for THAT pilot.

FCA is a company. FCa is a business. and business are focused on making profit.

let me tell you which FCA cars sell best, and then you tell me what the market is saying. Best sellers from most likely to sell to least likely. Wrangler, Jepp GC, Jeep Cherokee, Renagade, Dodge Grand Caravan, Rams (depending on location), 300, 200, Dart. How many SRT’s do you think they sell comparatively?

Hate the game don’t hate the player ;)

This is amazing!!!! More. !!

Yea I’m super shocked no one has recommended Jaguar. When I see the XJ I drool. It’s so sexy and big and sleek.

Eff me that thing sounds great. and the guy in the one with a touch of Red livery is a helluva good driver.

LOL at all the idiots getting their panties in a bunch over this. They do this because they can, because let’s be honest, we’ve ALL SAID something along these lines. It could have been funny at the moment or not, we’ve all done it. Fuck all the over sensitive people. fuck’em

Exactly. By this logic they should also sue the car manufacturer for selling him a car and the wireless provider too. This is like that stupid gun argument. It’s not the iPhone, it’s the user.

COTY!!!!! Kaycog give this man a present!

Soooo not sure if it’s the same one, but the black with orange stripes, it’s in Toronto.

Jason Torchinsky!!!!! you are a fucking hero !!!!

Though this man doesn’t even lift, I support his motion on declaring war on Ferrari, and dragging their name through the mud until his last breath. For how a devoted it sounds like he was to the brand, Ferrari is a cunt for what they did, and they should pay for it as much as possible for as long AS possible.

I feel like the every city is competing for world’s worst drivers. I want to say that about Toronto. On the same note of competition to the bottom, I think people all over the world are all competing for the biggest idiot, or cunt.PLOT TWIST: They are ALL winning.

Why don’t you go and shut down your lungs. I’d be ok with that...