
oN that was gold

There's this thing called production. That's how.


When he said “fucking nail it!” I said in my head. “Good man”

Yea but those are inline, all iron block, no ?

It might look more ok on the road than in pictures though

1. I do not have low t problems so fail, cause you can’t read you fuken retard, and I will fuck yo wife.Long dick style!

You’re also a moron as well as a “dude”, but what can you do, right ?

Enlighten me at what the criteria should be and why my criteria has to be that which you, or someone else other than me agrees to?

For those dude’s only looking for women in their 20’s is cause their testostoreone (read: dick aint getting hard) is low.

This is the king of engine pulls and it cracks me up every time.

LMAO. Right on man! Enjoy the AWD.

I highly doubt this car needs $4k worth of work.

BURJ KHALIFA video @ :50 not Tom Cruise...I think. Debate me freely.

Why didn’t they shoot and kill him once he got out? was it because he wasn’t black ?

COTD fo sho!

This man, ok....this man RIGHT HERE, ... OK... IS A FUCKING HERO!!!! ass girl tho !

Funny thing about Harper is he’s as much of a totalirian as Poutine is.

And that’s just the winglet. Yes it’s part of the wing but it mostly serves as a stabilizing feature for the air, and also helps with fuel economy. So it would not be the end, though, a SHIT SITUATION TO BE IN.