
Hahahaha. FUck Fisker. Do not like that dude. He's a sleazy, slimey guy.

I don't think you're quite comprehending the topic of my discussion. Look at how Formula 1 racing looks, the overtaking the gonna-hit-you-but-won't, almost like a dance on 4 wheels at ludicrous speeds, all within centimetres of each other, than look at Nascar, they just straight up bash in to each other. AKA, they are

So basically Jeremy wanted out.

Nascar drivers are such cunts and it should be called racing it should be called bumper car-ing.

I concur 100%

TO have a 300sl as Jalop. OMG! :D

I was really hoping when you said 'Brand New' in the title it was something along the lines of affordability. Something with some serious production number allowing me to buy it at $30-$50k

Fuck those fucking fuckers at the fucking BBC for fucking firing funny fucker Jeremy fucking Clarkson. Fuck.

No not everyone. A (relative) few people. However in Quebec....everybody!

excluding the several people being hit by cars everyday... :)

This could literally have happened anywhere, but yes it's in Canada and it strengthens the stereotype. I live in Toronto and have lived in the surrounding Souther Ontario. It is not how people are here typically. Everybody drinks and drives and nobody wants to get caught, like everywhere else. We're perhaps just a

Easy there Derek DeAngelis

Kind of cool. Seems like an original idea kind of. Could be adapted into a Godzilla of the Sky concept.

I would sell my own country to have this things.

Product placement life

You know, seem like a descent movies. But the .1 second clips are waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy toooo sloooewwwwww for meee. Is there any way you can make things quicker and flasshier, I fall asleep after every shot...

Amazing article. DODGE, TAKE NOTE. YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! FLD quote there.

What complete moron!

Question for any legal persons: Can the person committing an infraction get charged if video proof is sent in based on license plates?

I love fastbacks :D (I had an s13 240sx)