chauncy that billups

Why are we talking about this now, as if it's new? I got one of these notices 7 years ago, after downloading an episode of Dexter.

What are we talking about again?

Yeah, I really wanted to punch him in the face.

Heinz has already developed a better ketchup packet. You can get them at Wendy's or Chik-fil-a.

Fake as Fuck.

Yeah, such a great part where the scientist was drunk and crying that they didn't find any live aliens in the first 5 minutes they explored the first cavern, where I remind you, he takes off his helmet immediately without considering the consequences.

not stop motion. Bullet time.

I believe they also gave the Sony RX100 4.5 stars.

As the father of 3 kids, I constantly fret over whether they need to see the doctor for some symptom or other - when half or more of the time it's just a wasted $30 copay. I will be buying all of these on day f'ing one.

Yes, where's my damn star?!

Granted, Blu-rays are also compressed (never said they weren't). I guess my point is that 1080p does not impress me in the slightest for $35,000. It needs to be 4k at MINIMUM. Otherwise, to state "better than blu-ray" is to split hairs over barely visible artifacting.

"And for just half a grand it will download a 1080P copy of a film the same day it's released in theaters across the country, with better image quality, sound, and color than a Blu-ray copy"

He says "right?" an awful lot. Good thing he often is.

Ah NetZero - free internet forever. It's even in their name, right? Right???

This should have been the response of Microsoft and the Source.

It's the temperature your house deserves, just not the one it needs right now...

Steve Jobs would have never issued a letter like that, but then again, he would have never allowed the Maps app to be released as it currently is.

Not if you have gotten rid of your other phone based on the assumption the new one would arrive at the correct time.

I think "Dr. White" has been sampling too much of his own product...

Maybe part of the problem is the choice of Kansas City.