chauncy that billups
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Why have you been punished to Mangorific!

Yep - I love the automatic upload from my android to picasa. It's seemless, I don't have to worry about it, and boom - all my vids and pics are available online. ESPECIALLY videos - I have 100s of videos sitting around my backup drives that I've never even looked at, because I'm not around, or they're a pain to get

At about 4:08, you can see a little rectangular slit in the wall/bed above his right ear. I think that's where the first camera is. They've cleverly covered it in the opening shots.

Whatever dude. All cable companies exist to generate ad revenue - do you think they're philanthropic organizations? I'm glad they're showing it - I was just thinking I'd like to see it again.

Fox Mother Fucking News has nothing to do with it.

The fact that heads are about to roll, hard, because of this scandal. Holder's will be among them. I give it about 2 months before Obama is accepting his resigntion.

The one more thing was Siri integration.

"The Attorney General should do something about it." Hahahahaha...hahah..ha...oh, you're serious? If the current "Attorney General" lasts till the 2012 election I'll be extremely surprised (Fast&Furious, anyone?) I doubt he'll have time to bother with something like this.

Ah, Comic Sans' bastard child.

That's the first thing I noticed. Holy crap, Apple has come a long way in 10 years.

Just got the exact same email from my mom, asking if it would be good for my dad's bday.

Step 1: Do the opposite of EVERYTHING in this picture.

What's in the baaaaaaax??

Well, it's fair to criticize the selection based upon Whitman's perceived failures, but yes, I think you're right. I have this sneaking, *totally unsubstantiated* suspicion this negative post has more to do with the fact that she's a Republican and less with her successes/failures.

Duong and Rizzo: Two whacky hackers and their hilarious hijinks!

That's awesome.

Uh, didn't he remove guns from the cops in E.T. and replace them with radios?

Shut your face! Scrapple is flipping awesome.

I guess they hadn't seen many 'shops in their time.

They should wear Vibram FiveFingers footwear to make their faddy douchiness complete.