chauncy that billups

That's what makes sense to me. Make it a lot harder for people to sell random copper wiring, and you reduce the incentive to steal it.

I don't really see this as a solution for HCSD or compact flash replacement. I think it would be more useful as stable blocks to replace large archives, currently backed up on hard drives that don't have a very long shelf-life. Of course, the article calls it portable, but I think that's mostly due to the size vs.

Come september, it probably will be a deal. I'm betting these things sell like crack.

Because it will ship free from amazon and is $68 everywhere else except Toys 'R Us? I think Giz is just reporting what fatwallet and other sites are stating, which is that the retail price is $79, although I can't really find any evidence of that MSRP.

Which Bill Gates has also been championing for years.

confidence+ neg hit ("what, I don't look good already?!") = success in many circumstances.

yes, but only when they're ionized with anodyne gas.

Is there going to be an attraction where you can phase-shift the depolarization capacitors, which JUST...MIGHT...create enough remodulation to realign the warp nacelles?

I'll be very surprised if it doesn't end up somewhere between 1 and 2 cents per 'bitcoin'.


It was through

That video may just be the pinnacle of all that is evil and unholy in this world.

Well, I guess we can start blaming Bill Gates for this guy's behavior now...

I find this "story" to be absolutely ridiculous. However, if on the .0000001% chance it's true, I'm happy it happened, if only because it saved us from the absolute embarrassment of John Edwards as Vice President.

Oh man...this was my one hesitation about going with the Atrix last week. I got a great deal on it ($25 on contract) but was worried that I'd be upset when the SII finally came out. But now they've gone and turned it into chumpstyle with a physical keyboard??!

Also fat back, hard tack, fat pone, corn tack, back tack and tack back.

We never had Air-conditioning growing up....but we bitched about it CONSTANTLY.

Actually, I got the 2.3.4 update on both my Atrix phones on Friday.

The local Barnes and Noble stores are just so much nicer than Borders. Plus they have one of the best e-reader lines. Borders just can't compete. That's the marketplace.