chauncy that billups

This is great, but the blue dot dongle has to go. I realize it needs something to track - but most camera software will let you track faces. This should do the same. v2.0, I guess.

still won't help this guy.

*select lock rotation*

@KyleW: I don't know. those guys usually wear gloves.

@BoscoH: I see what you did there.

I've said it before and will say it again: I have no problem with AT&T service. I have had Verizon, SunCom, and T-Mobile service in the past and none of them were noticeably better than AT&T anywhere I went. SunCom was by far the worst (they are gone now).

Wait, what does "goodbye, AT&T" mean? the iPhone will still be on AT&T, right? because (I may be the only one on Earth) I have no desire to switch carriers again.

@AngryFork: I have to disagree. First of all, I don't listen to Beck but I've never heard of him advocating the killing of anyone. Second, crazy is crazy. You cannot equate words with violence, especially in this case when there is no evidence this guy was driven by any of that. If anything, evidence suggests he

@AngryFork: Randi Rhodes, Charlie Booker, Sarah Vowell, to name a few. If you care, you can go here:

@Mecharine: and many people on the left spoke about personally killing president Bush. A movie was even made about it. Free speech can be a bummer sometimes.

when you see it, you'll shit bricks...

pretty awesome.

@BrianaSeneca: Society bares no responsibility for this crime. The guilt lies with Jared Loughner alone.

When he states "not just with our actions but also with our irresponsible words" is he referring to Gifford's snarky response to Loughner's question "what is government if words have no meaning"?

Wait, I thought we were off soap?

If I get these, it will be the OT-only set. As long as my kids are under my roof, they will never see the prequels, until they're old enough to understand the pure garbage that they are.

@Kyoka: except signing up for the newsletter.