chauncy that billups

When Kinect was first announced, what really excited me were the possibilities presented by the "Milo" demo. Imagine virtual personalities, companions, assistants. It seemed like we were closer than ever to the Enterprise's ship computer.

that is the most awesome thing I've seen all week.

@EljhHck: we need a hardware button to do that? still think it's asinine.

It appears that all the new mute switch does on my iPad is silence the keyboard click sounds. Music, movies, web videos still play as normal until I hold down the volume rocker.

@foreverun1: Woah! You're right! It doesn't work at all. WTF Apple? The only way to mute the iPad is to turn down the volume as normal.

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

@dieseldog49: Where in India is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

Joel's picture could seriously be my dad circa 1970. Woah.

@Mooncow27: Start with Eon (though it takes place in pre-cold war end) - one of the greats.

@Malaky: Just Cause 2 had 400 square miles.

As someone stated below - this is an adventure game. I haven't played one of those since the days of King's Quest, Police Quest and Laura Bow.

@mixmastermind: yeah, sounds like more in the vein of an advanced Sierra game. There are very few of those these days.

@Chingiz Kh: That won't work with this band.

If the nano had Bluetooth, I'd do it. But I can't get past having the cord hanging off your arm.

Now playing

Best game moment of the year is easily: walking into Mexico and hearing this out of nowhere.

@mobycat: There is if the security line takes 90 minutes to get through (as it did in my case - probably from these ridiculous measures).

@jeblis: Yes he is, or millions of parents who take pictures of their kids taking a bath or whatever else, or NatGeo producers who film native tribes, etc., would be in jail.

@DeRose.Joe: No - they don't grope. But I have undergone this. And they do touch your genitalia (over your clothes) as well as place their fingers inside and around your pants waist.

Both times I have gone through these so far, I have also had to undergo a subsequent pat down that goes much further than any I have had before (no cavity search though —yet). The second one made me almost miss my flight (I made it by sprinting through the terminal at full speed). I really don't understand - I