
I rented this on YouTube because it was cheaper than VOD and sudden, and Christmas, but the buffering and bandwidth makes it the only one I'd rent.

Haha agreed. Most of this is mostly grossly sexual. I watched this movie last night on Netflix and it deserves better. A really good movie.

There aren't any beautiful girls who don't know you exist in the movie. Surprisingly it doesn't talk down to its characters.

Season 1 good, Season 2, really good. I think I'm done here. Also I do not remember Bellamy's girlfriend.

A lot of beloved wrestlers died this week. So beloved that we are going to belatedly cram them into this one post.

Clint EASTWOOD people just give him a special f/x team.

How about not Ruby Rose?

Should've had mentioned how Trudeau's resistance handled it well.

He was showrunner on seasons 1-4 I think, I know Scott Buck was seasons 5-8.

Gibson would be the best choice, then agains I'm all for successful actor directors and want Clint Eastwood to direct The Batman considering how long he has been with WB all he needs is a decent F/X team.

I'm sorry does this have anything really to do with what the AV Club should be covering? No… okay moving on.

Why don't they give it Clint Eastwood?

There is too much "hip" language in this article for me.

Jai, the hooters lover everyone.

I like it and I thought the comic book ending was appropriate. I was mad at Split because the twist has nothing to do with the plot.

Mad Max lady wasn't hollywood elitism though, i remember the rest of the academy costumers or a few being pissed because she was outside the industry,

For the record, Dev Patel was chosen for Slumdog Millionaire because he wasn't considered handsome, the producers wanted to have someone to root for as more of an underdog. The only reason anyone probably considers him sexy is his British accent.

I have watched Kenan Thompson since All That and he's lazy and unfunny, I wish he would just leave.

Liam Aiken had the same hair and face shape so it didn't matter as much.

NPH comes up short compared to Carrey because he's just not funny, there's no physicality to his performance.