
She has nice legs, the rest is in her credit to listenable tunes.

My brother tells me if I host the oscars and he wins he's gonna do that.

Gee I wonder who the main star of that Mission Impossible series is.

As a John Woo fan, how was 2 disappointing?

Mark Burnett would make a great inauguration ceremony. Jeff Probst hosting as he snuffs out Hillary's torch: "The Tribe has spoken… and its America!"

Wilmore is better being straight as he's not as funny as he thinks he is. He has sharp insights. Bee has good writers but is just too whiney/ cynical/ negative. That Nikki girl whose show was about sex was surprisingly good.

I will say Toni was just as annoying as I expected, but she knew a bit more.

John Cusack in 2012. I hate that movie, but when the world is coming to the end your in the middle of a literal earth shattering quake. You know better that California as a whole is gonna fall apart and crumble and yet your family and children insist on hiding under a dining room table when the world is coming to an

Ron Howard is on his way to an EGOT, as he already has an Emmy and an Oscar. He is up for the Beatles doc. He just needs to do a late career Play.

Let's ask Maria about it, oh wait she's dead. Let's ask Brando about it, oh wait he's dead too. That's the benefit of being the last one alive to tell the story. Nobody can contradict you. Maria had said the scene itself was not planned.

Doctor Scott!

It also addresses how no one gives a damn about the natives.

Is Rust belt the same as middle america.

I agree that Foster is doing a riff on Charlie Prince, but its a good performance that didn't get the praise of Rooster Cogburn or Bad Blake. Also Bridges character is straight up racist, way past the point of being funny. The attitude should be winking like, "Can you believe this guy?!" but it legitimizes him. They

Robert Downey Jr. should have been picked for Civil War over Chris Evans. Just for the delivery of the line "I don't care.-He killed my mom."

Glad to see Ben Foster get recognized, he's better than Jeff Bridges surprisingly in Hell or High Water.

It's annoying that all the old critics will pick jeff bridges for the acting slot when Ben Foster deserves it way more.

I remember Ron Glass R.I.P. once said in an episode of Teen Angel that Teen Angel thought he looked like Billy Dee Williams.

The L.A. complex

The score for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 by the Magnificent Six: Hans Zimmer, Pharrell Williams, Johnny Marr and 3 other people.