
the trailers been out for a month of allies

It's a Fincher-esque conspiracy! Believe me, folks! Angelina Jolie's divorce from Brad Pitt raises BIGGER QUESTIONS! That are very Fincher-esque. https://filmgamer.wordpress…

There's no way she's not this time. Thandie Newton, Paula Patton she is not. I'm sure the producers realize she was the successful part of the movie.

Joe Swanberg should direct an Adam Wingard movie and Adam Wingard should direct a Joe Swanberg movie. I've gotten them confused since the former was in the latter's film.

That review is how to reveal a spoiler. Precurse it and warn the reader giving context. A.A. Dowd and Ignatiy Vishnevitsky take note.

he's coming around to doing a 4th one

Hollywood is too old to realize The BFG has no wide appeal its niche, and Roald Dahl is gross.

See Jurassic World.

Upstream Color is a terribly boring movie.

"being penetrated by a beautiful black woman?!"

Touchstone was responsible for peak Shyamalan

They should have really fucked this shit up and thrown in Richard Kelly as a director instead.

Yeah I agree, I thought it was like Splice rather than Ex Machina, nice spoiler alert yet again AV Club.

She's a lawyer. I'm certain she's familiar with the most famous murder trial of all time.

This movie is the definition of warm.

They are together in the same room in the same shot seen by others. Up until that scene it was my thought.

With his lego hair and long underwear.

Can somebody explain why this is? AV Club ran an article about what piece of pop culture changed your life and somebody mentioned it. The clip they showed never explained why.

What is 'scope? And how does it differ from 16:9 and whatever the hell academy ratio is? Is he talking 4:3 letterbox?

StrangerThings shit the bed on the final episode.