Bill Zombie

My reply to comments like this is always: "And do you actually still watch the show? Because if you don't, then how can you KNOW it's not funny?"

I disagree pretty strongly here. Rape is a seriously underreported and underprosecuted crime, but if we take restroom scribblings as criminal evidence, it would be incredibly, incredibly easy for someone to abuse the system or implicate innocent people out of a desire for revenge.

Right. That list may have started as an actual attempt to call out sexual violators, but as the trend continues I can see some vindictive people adding men's names to these lists simply because they felt jaded in a relationship, or maybe they just don't like the person. This is bullshit.


Rush Limbaugh has been trying to warn us about state paternalism, people. Did we listen? Noooooo. And now they have come for the bottomless brunches. We get the society we deserve.

Ohhhhh my cah

As good a point as it is, my mind has gone to a place of gaming PSAs.

A Good Match for: Comedy lovers. The voicework alone—performed in stellar fashion by Stephen Merchant and Ellen McLain—will make you laugh out loud but the brain-teasing puzzles and embedded gags keep the chuckles coming even when everything else in the game goes quiet.

You must hate Gin.

Keep hatin' people...this movie really is shaping up to be the Ultimate Spider-Man movie and I love it!! Besides I'm sure Webb will develop characters along with the villains, this is the guy that directed 500 Days of Summer for Chrissake.

It depends on your level of desire to be good at a video game. Some people want to be good so bad that they no longer have fun. I say if you still have fun playing, then you're doing it right, case closed.

yeah back when xbox lives interface was actually clean and didnt shove ads down your throat. those were the days

Yes I remember that, and I loved it. The changes only made things worse from that point on.

You have no chance to survive make your time.

Winston Churchill warned us that fascism would return in the form of anti-fascism.

If MS wanted to be a one-stop entertainment provider, they should try purchasing a cable provider so they can just use the XB1 as the primary device for TV-watching.

My old 360 controller, now my PC controller... already has that thanks.

If it becomes a full blown issue like RROD, you'd have a point. But if hardware is failing (within reason) than it is buyer beware.

Constant re-writes are going to kill the SSD. With the small storage space and the large game installs/caches you're going to be deleting and installing new things all the time which will noticeably reduce the life of the drive. Personally I'd just stick with a large capacity platter drive; load times aren't going to

A great number of people would disagree with you. And to this day, it is still THE greatest PC game of all time. Great pacing, story, atmosphere! Not one game in the past 5 years pales in comparison.