Bill Zombie

1080p is still poverty

In other news, PSN users are still unable to change their nicknames/IDs. Why must purchases, trophies, friends, etc be tethered to names some of us made nearly a decade ago?

A genwunner. One in every Pokemon thread.

I'm really looking forward to the creepypasta arising from this game. Already, there's something...might post about it later this week.

Man Duke Nukem Forever is so not as bad as people made it out to be. I don't know what the hell people were expecting out of a fuckin Duke Nukem game, but I thought it delivered in that respect. I guess people thought it would be some sort of Half Life epic or something. Basically, people that have never played Duke

or dont have kids. even better.

No, it's not destroying the lives of "countless Americans"... it is slightly disrupting the lives of a VERY COUNTABLE NUMBER of government workers.

They're both trying to pass a law. What are the effects of these laws?

WTF are you serious? Nobody's being denied food aid because of the shutdown. Nobody.

It *might* be a hostage situation if anybody was really threatened by a government shutdown, well, you know, other than government workers and politicians.

Yes, liberals agree that it is Republican's fault.

I'm pretty sure if anyone besides valve sent out this controller, it'd be laughed out of existence.

Had this happen to me as Franklin. I thought it was realistic considering that police shot an unarmed black man that was running toward them for help after having been in a car accident just last week

I read the title and thought they were finally allowing for cross-platform play...

Will be well worth the money even if that's the case.

Am I the only one that gets annoyed whenever these comments happen? What are you doing in an article about the best way to install gta v on the 360? Do you just want attention? Am I the only one who doesn't get the love for Jennifer Lawrence? Am I the only one who watched the first few episodes of breaking bad got

And that's, a lot of PS4's.

A Pokemon made out of magnets, how does that work?