Bill Zombie

I know I've read somewhere the Nvidia is going to start licensing it's PhysX tech to keep it relevant.

It's purpose is to train you to type without looking at the keyboard, thereby making you a more efficient typist. As a gamer though, it's a nightmare. I know how to type words, but ask me where a letter is at and I'll have to look.

I believe M

Yeah well, you still said it made the most out of all three. Nope. My point was that the Wii made the most. Also... how much did it cost Microsoft to warranty repair those RRODs? I'm sure that took a bite out of the old profit margin!

I'm pretty sure the Wii dominated the entire run. Hold still, going to a quick search.. OH LOOK... the 360 is slightly behind the PS3!

Aren't the Sony gamers in Japan called cockroaches or something by the majority gamers over in Japan? So I don't see how this is a surprise that the most profitable market gets the first dibs.

I guess they gave you a reason to buy more games though, as that is the ultimate goal.

It was a full fledged retail game. I remember my dad picking this up for me at Electronics Boutique. I'm sure they licensed iD's engine though.

+1 bump!

idk how many wrestling fans you know, but the ones I know use the word fag about 60 times a minute and aren't very accepting of homosexuals. Unless they're sexy lesbians.

And this is how The Last of Us becomes reality.

HL is Valve's flagship title. When they have a new engine to showcase (Source 2) you you can be damn sure the the title showcasing it will be Half-Life 3. They aren't going to make a new Half-Life title without a significant leap in technology. Compare HL 1 & 2 side by side. It's like comparing a PSX to a PS3.

If the product placement helps create more media that I like to watch, then I'll just bite the bullet.

lol, it's new to me! I don't have all day to sit in front of reddit. I'm glad this blog finds stuff on there worth sharing.

Yes, Zod was literally giving Superman no choice at all. Either kill me or watch these civs die.

So... how would these clothes be washed? Does this product render laundry obsolete????

The family plan is a bait and switch. I can share books on my kindle to *****if the publisher allows it*****. Do you honestly think publishers would allow you to share a copy of their game with a circle of 10 people? No way.

Half-Life 2 was Valve's flagship title to showcase it's Source engine. When the Source Engine 2 is ready, you can expect a Half-Life 3 to show it off. I will be patiently waiting and be pre-purchasing the hell of of it.

I didn't think it was that big of deal, as long as the words on the page aren't damaged, you know? If all they had left were the ones from the bottom, I don't think that'd deter me from a purchase.

This is to prevent someone from unplugging their XB1 from the internet, trading in a game, and merrily play it until they're actually done with it before connecting it to the internet again.