Bill Zombie

I'll jump in at Halo 5.

Why would she go on a shooting rampage? Is she mentally ill? You should probably get her some help.

Does registering a vehicle reduce car related fatalities? I'm having a hard time following you on that one. Can you give me one benefit you as a private citizen get from registering your car? It is for the government's benefit, not yours.

Which regulation will only affect those that adhere to the law.

The number-one factor in predicting crime is not guns — or lack of guns. It is concentrated urban poverty.

And that would be her business. Not yours, not mine, not the public's.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence

Yes, I really think that. /sarcasm

I'd like to make a point against your argument about tyranny.

Do I want to buy gems? While in beta? Nope!

I'm really disappointed in SimCity, I cancelled my pre-order yesterday. The always on-line requirement coupled with the amount of content they're withholding for their "Digital Deluxe" version is just a deal killer. :( Hopefully launch will flop and they'll come down on their prices accordingly.

Budget version should be $40, "Deluxe" (actual full version) should be $60.

Does your father know you're playing a game that includes the concept of evolution?

I just don't get it. Just how I don't get why ebooks are more expensive. You'd think the overhead on electronic money would be next to nothing. You'd think overhead into counting the cash, filling out deposit slips, driving it to a bank, and the bank processing it would be more than a quick electronic communication

In before lame I am unimpressed comment.

I know all this. The fact they need a lien on the property means that they are NOT the owner, just a legal claim to it if you fail to pay back your debt.

Yes, please. tweet meh! @billzombie

I hope you're right, or else I have to tick back my expectations on humanity down a few more notches.

Not like the lender can then say, oh hey, this guy gave us a better offer for that car. Sorry.

Banks own debt, not property.