I want to see OnLive (or something similar) streaming on the Surface!
As a nation we need to pay more attention to local, Senatorial , and Congressional elections. Also, we need write letters, call, or email our representatives to know what issues we care about. Obama is the head of the Federal government, he might need your vote to get in, but he isn't your representative.
billzombie likes this
I clicked hoping for some morphing action also.
I don't care if a movie looks and sounds better. I don't care that it can show me personalized information at a glance. I don't care that it has the latest features. The icons don't glide as smooth, so it must be an inferior product. -iDiot
That is an awesome idea. Some sort of shame helmet for cheaters on probation or something.
"I don't want to explain to my son why daddy is shooting the guys on the television. Why that's okay, but when it happens in real life, people cry."
I'm patiently waiting. It is ready when it is ready. :)
At least he's using his douchey powers for good.
How can you expect this to represent actual game play while there is no cross hair or any sort of HUD in the shot?
The fact there is no HUD or gun in the bottom right corner tells you this was shot in Theater mode.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this. Bars are not for relationships.
"Why would they need to turn to strangers on Facebook for a love connection instead of say, going to a bar?"
I stuck it out for 100% completion too! Loved that game.
I've experienced some highs and lows in music and film.
I still recognize and appreciate your comments when you do!
Add 2 more for my wife and I. She has Kindle Touch and I have 1st gen Kindle Fire. We also bought Kindle Keyboards for her little brother and sister, so that brings my total to 4.
That cleared it up! I appreciate the follow up.
I think he's honestly asking... where does the $270 mil figure you said comes from?