Fake Fat Bill Leeb

Susanne Sundfor - 10 Love Songs

will tune in to see a dude get shot in the head and then Head Like a Hole starts and we'll all laugh cuz that's a good joke

"Your best bet sauce for meatloaf is a horseradish crème fraîche. Grate some fresh horseradish into crème fraîche, then add a little lemon and some salt."

and Prick's Prick has aged better than all of those. To me, that's the second best thing Reznor's ever touched (Broken/Fixed being the best).

Spotify told me today that I'd listened to Mona Lisa more than any other song this year. Sounds about right. LOOK LIKE A GARBAGE PAIL KID

OK, this is great.
Release Radar is also great.
Spotify is great. Except when you are working with people who want to hear Meat Loaf and then you listen to Meat Loaf and then you're just screwed.

we used to go to my friend's house every day after school and just hit play on T2 from where we'd left off the previous day, until we got called home for dinner or it ended, when we'd rewind it and start it over again. For a solid year. I might say T2 and Total Recall are my favourite movies ever made.

James - Sometimes - it's impossible for me to be in a bad mood if I even think about this song.

You should fix that. Especially if you like TDP era Puppy.

Zooropa is so fuckin good. The Wanderer and Lemon are the best things this band's ever done. This has been an episode of Hot Takes.

20 pack of chicken mcnuggets. I peel them, eat all the meat at once, then all the breading by the handful. I am a father of human children.

I just wanna say, this is a great fuckin book. I laughed a ton. I plowed through it, then started it again. I have gone deep down Norm rabbit holes since, reading transcripts of weekend update and watching Dirty Work for the 1000th time.

sorry, but Ringfinger fuckin rules too.

Who could have foretold that an Atwood-penned graphic novel would be devoid of soul and humour!?!?!?!

or at the very top and the smaller sharks wouldn't get you.

Giesbrecht - low german.

She butchered my name when my video was played on RSVP. Guyzzzzbreshhhhhtt. It's Geez-Brekt. Also, I requested Millenium by Frontline Assembly and then they played Plasticity. Bullshit.

Hm…yes…why hasn't Billy Talent caught on?
My theory: they suck and they're whack

I think Jian Yang is patient zero for Thomas Middleditch's CBB character from China.