these all look really good, my only issue is supermans head sculpt. look at the others, nicely done, but supes, head looks....precious momentsy.
very cool, thanks for sharing.
i have to say, I personally don't like his voice as superman, he sounds...bored and uninterested.
might clean your camera lens on the phone then, you should not be having issues capturing qr from a monitor. you can go to to test it out.
I agree, very cartoony, I've have gone a bit more realistic looking, but to each his own.
you might do a bit of research before posting an article, iphone was not the first smartphone or "touch" phone. This article is good for fanboys though.
you should watch the original.
so are keys..duh
wow that is really bad.
I'll +1 this
oh yeah, Wikipedia is 100% accurate 100% of the time and we should always use it as a resource....oh wait..
SuperRazors j/k
Just because her hat says she's a Guinness (genius), doesn't mean she is. :)
isolated by the government? I read the book and I don't remember it being that at all, maybe I should re-read it?
whats the deal with the big nut and bolt unpainted in the left shoulder?
It's just a paper weight :)