I can’t wait until I hit 50 and look better than most 25-year-olds.
I can’t wait until I hit 50 and look better than most 25-year-olds.
For this to work, you kind of need some sign of age progression with the main characters so that you get an idea that time is passing and with Paul Rudd, well ... you can see the problem here.
My father was an Exxon executive tangentially involved with the creation of this ride. Don’t @ me, the family divested our stock long ago and I drive an EV. The gossip I have is that Ellen was a last minute replacement for Tim Allen, who had originally been signed for the gig until Exxon got wind of his cocaine bust.…
Through his teen years and rise of his career Noah’s mother was being victimized by his stepfather with all the “well what were YOU doing” that takes place in those situations. Penultimate incident involved her getting shot in the head, luckily she survived it. The last part of the 10 minute segment was him explaining…
Dolly doesn’t think she’s Rock and Roll, and neither do I.
Great. So now some asshole is going to come on a plane with the biggest carry-on allowed AND a gigantic pillow filled with their dirty clothes. I’m all for screwing airlines whenever possible, but for so many people, you give them an inch and they take a mile.
The pillow case and plastic bag hacks are why it absolutely fucking sucks to fly. Either limit yourself to the carry on limit or check a bag. You taking up half the overhead bin with your “hack” so my regulation size bag doesn’t fit and has to be checked makes you an asshole, not a savvy flyer.
I have a great travel hack. At check-in, I slide the attendant some extra money and they take my bags! Then the bags just show up at the destination! I don’t even have to carry them on the plane with me!
Well, ‘scold’ might not be the best word, granted, but I don’t think I said anything about them being required to meet a particular standard of respectability and tastefulness — like I say, I’m sympathetic to the idea that art depicting real people and events doesn’t necessarily need and on occasion shouldn’t be…
What you’re calling “work” may not be sitting around eating bonbons, but KK absolutely meets the definition of a socialite, and being a socialite and having a career are not mutually exclusive anyway. Lots of socialites use their social position as a launching pad for careers (interior decorator is a favorite), which…
Maybe I should have my brother fuck Ray J and make a shitty sex tape. I could retire.
Do we really have to rehash why unauthorized biographies, documentaries, etc. exist, and are typically superior in their ability to present unbiased accounts?
Haven’t picked it up yet, but I’m planning on a Tommy-build and putting my points in girth at every opportunity.
Wait until they have sex on a boat.
True, but it only becomes really annoying when an actor or director talks like they’re the first person to ever think of such a thing, unlike all the stupid hacks working in comics.
dude what.
I mean, it’s also the way pricing for most of the things we buy operates; demand spikes, you pay more (see also, the price of *everything* in 2022). Were they selling insulin, rather than tickets to see a shiny vampire man dress up as a big rubber bat, maybe it’d be worth giving a shit.
This is a really odd take. The theaters charged a price for a ticket. People saw that price when they purchased it. There was no deception here.
I don’t know if Barsanti’s upset at AMC for raising prices, audiences for paying them, or people being mad at AMC. The article seems weirdly sarcastic about everything.
God, what a tedious writer.