
Yeah that’s fair.

Eh, I don’t think that Pam & Tommy is some feminist manifesto and I think the writers seem a bit too pleased with themselves for making something that seems to want things both ways (e.g. condemning the invasion of privacy that took place but also giving Sebastian Stan an enormous fake penis that is played for comedy

I don’t really get this critique. A ton of movies and TV shows get made every year about real events and real people who are still alive, very often without the cooperation of their subjects. Some of these projects are tasteful and well-done, others are cheap and exploitative, but I don’t think how exploitative a

I would put Batman & Robin ahead of both Batman v. Superman and Justice League. It’s a bad movie that treats its source material with a kind of contempt that you could never get away with in a modern superhero movie, but the campiness and genuinely bizarre vision of Gotham City provide an element of fun (if you know

“Bruce Wayne does not have the dual identity thing fully figured out yet in his early years as Batman and so lives as a weird recluse before eventually realizing that both doing the most good for Gotham and maximally protecting his secret identity requires him to embrace being a public figure” has been done quite a

I have nothing bad to say about Euphoria - it’s not really my cup of tea but plenty of people I know are really into it - but! I find it fascinating that this big hit that’s driving all kinds of cultural conversation is about teens having wild amounts of dangerous sex and drug use at a time when teens writ large are

I’ve always had mixed feelings about the Dark Empire trilogy. On the one hand, the art work is absolutely gorgeous and those 3 books do a great job (like the Heir to the Empire trilogy) of exploring what a galaxy-spanning war would really look like, showing that defeating the Empire when its navy outnumbers the

My guy, my dude, chief, pal, buddy, friend, broseph, etc.

My guy he publicly apologized at the time and then did a standup special that largely dealt with both the specifics of the accusation against him and more broadly the cultural moment we’re in in which our society is grappling with how poorly many people understand consent and many of us are reevaluating our opinion of

The second season of Party Down released each episode on Netflix a day or two after it aired on Starz, which was how I came across it. Of course, this was when Netflix’s streaming service (“Netflix Instant” as it was branded at the time) was only a few months old - if it had anything like the user base it does now I

I hope they keep the design aesthetic of the original Alien - it’s one of my favorite examples of a future that feels grimy and lived in, and the later sequels including Prometheus really moved away from that and toward the more clean/shiny/smooth aesthetic that most film sci-fi has used over the last 20 years.

Lol - “it’s been six months since the ending of S3, and in that time the boys have all grown a foot and a half and started shaving!” Also, good that it’s ending with S5 - I love Stranger Things but as is it’s already in danger of overstaying its welcome. 

This drove me insane. I’m not sure he was shown making a single decision in his new role as “crime” boss (what kinds of crime is he even committing? just protection rackets?) where Fennec Shand didn’t immediately correct him by suggesting something smarter. Also he didn’t see it coming that the local crime bosses who

To the extent that people care about the Oscars they care about best film, best director, best actor/actress, best supporting actor/actress, maybe people care about best screenplay/adapted screenplay, maybe some people care about best score/best song. But that’s it. There is not an audience of 10 million people who

If they do a second season of this show they need (1) A better handle on the characters, their motivations, their internal lives, etc. (2) A story where things that happen within and between episodes are related by cause and effect rather than just happening because the writers need them to happen, and (3) Maybe more

If people are seriously that offended by Awkwafina’s accent then boy do I have bad news for them about what a whole bunch of non-Black Gen Z’ers who grew up working class in Queens sound like.

On the one hand, that son of Batman TV show sounds terrible. On the other hand, Batman Beyond came about because WB insisted on a “Batman in high school” show and Bruce Timm managed to make lemonade out of it, so who knows. 

Do you think Garth Ennis would go away if we gave him a plaque that said “Congrats on being shocking and edgy. I am scandalized. Your crass jokes have truly opened my eyes to how hollow American self-mythology is”? 

Black Monday’s first two seasons were a lot of fun, but the third season was a mess. Things just sort of happened with no connective tissue or cause and effect and it was really disorienting - it felt like the actors were just improvising their way through the episodes (and not in a good way). 

Especially given that Lucasfilm has been willing to pull things from the calendar when they felt they needed more work (hello there, Obi-Wan Kenobi) I can’t believe they let Boba Fett start filming with the scripts and story boards that it had. It is a major problem that the best episode of the season, by an enormous