
Yep, you got us. Most liberals in this country are just as reflexively pro-Israel as moderates and conservatives, and the remainder tend to have nuanced positions that still give Israel a moral benefit of the doubt that it doesn’t deserve, but sure, we support Hamas.

You should at least have to be able to pass a security checkpoint obstacle course to get pre-check. As it’s grown in popularity I’ve seen people not have their ticket and ID ready when they got to the TSA agent, walk through the metal detector with heavy jewelry on, have a full bottle of water in their carry on,

It’s very clearly saying Yanny. I can’t wrap my head around how fucked up your ears must be to hear the letter L anywhere in there.

Hard agree on how insufferable internet parenting debates are. Also it’s literally never babysitting when it’s your own kid.

Jesus fucking Christ. These fucking people. My political formation was the war in Iraq and the disaster of the Bush administration, and it really radicalized me. Then I got a bit older, became a middle class adult white man, and moderated to become a garden variety liberal. And now the last few years have radicalized

Eh, I can see it both ways. The Raptors’ performance against the Cavs was fucking embarrassing and you can’t blame LeBron for that. On the other hand, yes, as long as LeBron plays in the East no one else from this conference is getting to the finals.

In an era where it feels like television comedy is either broad and lazy or cynical and misanthropic, Brooklyn 99, like everything else Mike Schur has been involved in, is a nice (or noice) show about decent, goofy people just living their lives. I’m really going to miss it.

I went to Vietnam and Cambodia in 2016 and, while you certainly can apply for a visa ahead of time, you can also just get it when you land. It’s really much more about shaking you down for $50 (or whatever the price is - it’s something like that) than it is about giving a shit about your visa application.

Yeah I’d certainly say that Trout/Harper/Judge are the most famous (plus a handful of elite pitchers and a couple of guys from the 2016 Cubs), but really who is both currently active and visible outside baseball? Like is Bryce Harper doing nationally televised ads and doing cameos in big budget comedies? Are any of

My least favorite genre of food writing on the internet is “easy” “cooking hacks” targeted at 22-year olds who don’t know how to cook. It is literally always easier to just learn how to fucking cook like a normal adult.

Yeah man, I broke my wrist in little league when I was hit by a pitch and the ball couldn’t have been going much faster than 70mph at most - it hurt like a motherfucker.

I don’t know - I feel like I definitely see people making comments along the lines of “they’re rich and have everything a person could ever want - what do they have to be depressed/anxious about?” but I think that celebrities who have a big fan base making the point that mental illness can exist completely independent

It’s always nice for people to bring mental health out of the shadows. For the longest time I avoided doing anything about my issues (as it turns out, self-destructive self-medication doesn’t count!) because I felt a certain stigma about medication, but I recently started taking anti-anxiety medication and holy

Marriage is about compromise and you have to pick your battles wisely, but I will say that if there’s a movie you’re dying to see on opening weekend, have been looking forward to seeing for a long time, etc. it’s kind of a dick move for your partner to just flat out say, “No, we’ll see it next week.” I’d stand my

Oh no - I am deeply cringing while picturing that meeting.

I hope he’s still able to pass along banal press releases from agents and executives as exclusive news stories. My bigger concern is what happens to the MMQB site - if it shuts down I’m not sure where I’ll be able to find my dumb as dogshit takes about watching the tape and how black people make bad quarterbacks.

Ok. Trolls gonna troll. I’m done here.

Here’s the thing though: you don’t know what you’re talking about. There are literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies on behavioral intervention programs ranging from cure violence approaches to gun violence, to rehabilitation programs for convicts, to anger management therapies, to restorative justice approaches,

It feels like you’re making a case for biological determinism that defeats the purpose of having a civilization. For the sake of argument let’s concede that men are intrinsically violent and aggressive. Great. Why wouldn’t a program like UT’s still be valuable? Even granting that that all or most men are intrinsically

The parts of the story about the Costa Rica trip are literally describing sex trafficking. I know we like to kid around here in the Deadspin comments section, but for serious the people responsible for this should be charged with a crime.