Billy G

took me a while, but here’s your star.

You sound like Israel, always justifying their fvckery toward the Palestinians because the other guys are equally unsavory.

I’m Hungary for some real competition in F-1.

Imagine how much faster and better these Miatas would be if they had a turbo.

We’re #4!  We’er #4!


Israel does.*

“My inspiration for this livery was the idea of fluidity present in the contemporary life, where things are in constant movement and it’s hard to freeze anything... I wanted to reach an organic feeling by using handmade material and liquid lines in the elements spread through the car. By doing this I hope to express a

‘wasted’ ?

You must be new here.

They keep telling me I have a $100,000,000 5 year contract here at work, it’s about $60k for the first 4 years and I’m scheduled to earn $99,760,000 year 5.

You won’t find a whiter group of athletes outside of the PGA.”

Still proves my point.  Then again the NBA is effectively 2-3 teams...

I certainly won’t question their courage, racing those primitive machines with all of the safety features of a carnival ride missing a handful of cotter pins, but I will question her Wisdom for doing so.

try 3 decades...

So, F-1 is now down to 2 teams and a handful of back markers? Hasn’t it been like this for years?

Fvck that poor Lance, he’s moving on BS.  Until he does more to atone for the people’s lives he ruined to hide his juicing he’s still a piece of dogshit to me.

Boy, makes teams REALLY want him in their organizations, doesn’t it?

Awkwardly short is how she described it, with a giggle.