I believe it’s usually a bad case of projection. When you feel guilty about leaving your jalop out on the street you assign it’s usual malfunctions or intermittent tendencies to your choices.
I believe it’s usually a bad case of projection. When you feel guilty about leaving your jalop out on the street you assign it’s usual malfunctions or intermittent tendencies to your choices.
Sadly this is probably accurate. Hell hath no fury like a malignant narcissist scorned.
Republicans of 30-50 years ago were fvcking commies!
Nuclear Wiper? Yikes. I mean please.
Dammit, someone else won that huge MegaMillions lottery. When I do a Wienermobile is in my top 5 vanity vehicles to acquire.
The passengers are just lucky the pilot wasn’t Scottish. When they get upset, or 3 pints in, only fellow countrymen can understand a word that comes outta their ory gobs.
For all the grief Tesla gets, it cannot be denied that they pushed electric cars into public imagination and discourse better than anyone else.
Coontail = TrailTail, silly.
Yawn. Another story about an egotistical thin-skinned billionaire.
Brilliant. Have all my stars.
Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.
We don’t repair them silly. We borrow money from the Chinese that we’ll never repay and just buy new ones.
The hell you say! I’ll take a modern design any day over that stodgy...bwahaha! Who am I kidding, right?
Speaking of Japan, America and efficiency, consider how quickly the US repaired the USS Yorktown between the battles of Coral Sea and Midway.
Vettel next time.