
People that shout stuff from the audience to the presenter are cringy as hell.

Ganganm style was out before BL2...

im 30 and i can figure it out that ‘mobs’ means moves, has balls, is crazy. Its not that hard.

You know what it means, you just want to look pretentious and high and mighty by acting like you dont.

huh? It was a video that was lagging because PAX has no idea what they are doing. It had nothing to do with the game. 


I hope she gets counter sued and loses a ton of money. What a waste of time for everyone involved only so she can get some free money.

Make a crying apology video on Youtube and all her stupid fans will forgive her.

You guys worry too much about other people...

And all of this wouldnt have happened if the guy didnt get belligerent and hostile and just complied with the cops. I have been pulled over too for BS reasons but i just did what the cop said and i didnt get forced out of my car or shot buy a gun or tazer. Imagine that.

I thought only straight white males got away with things in this country?

You still are just making up crazy scenarios that didnt happen to make the cops look bad.

it just goes to show you that no matter what race you are. If you are rich in the US then you can get away with pretty much anything. *cough*  OJ is a murderer *cough*

Because he has other stuff to do? Should he have just stayed there for hours? It was obvious the guy wasn’t going to comply so he had to take action. The male officer didn’t shoot him or even plan to. It was his backup untrained female officer.

Are you fine with cigarettes in public? Should we ban that too?

Second hand high is a myth unless you are in a hotbox. Smoking in public should be no big deal. 

He gave him plenty of chances to step out of the car. The officer cant sit there forever while the guy cries. I would be tired of that shit too and pull him out. 

Yep, and it happened in like 5 secs and how was she supposed to know if the guy didnt have a knife or going for the officers gun? These people defending the guy getting shot need to watch more liveleak videos so they can be properly ‘woke’

So you think the guy fighting the cop was justified? 

How was she supposed to know if he had a weapon on him or trying to go for the officers gun. It happened in 5 secs. Maybe the dumbass should have just listened to the cop and not got in a fist fight with him LOL