Why is this old ass article showing up as a new one? Because the NZ shooter mentioned him and this site doesnt like him so they are grasping at straws to try and bring him down? You guys are really butthurt he is the biggest youtuber huh?
Why is this old ass article showing up as a new one? Because the NZ shooter mentioned him and this site doesnt like him so they are grasping at straws to try and bring him down? You guys are really butthurt he is the biggest youtuber huh?
logistically, how would fucking a cat even be possible without getting the shit scratched out of your dick? Like i dont even see how its possible unless the cat was sedated.
How is it violating it? That would mean i am doing some manipulation to continue to use it. If they didn’t want people using it after the trial they would lock out the software. Its merely a donation button.
The UI of 7-zip makes it look like its from 1998.
Its well known that all you have to do is click no when the trial is up and continue using it. it doesnt lock you out of anything.
its free and does its job. Why not? 7zip UI is ass.
At least he has the balls to do it. What is your WRC track record?
My A5 has a pretty big moonroof and i can say i have never moved the cover off to look through it.
Will this one turn rust colored when its wet too?
Whats the obsession with everyone wanting to look like they are from the 90's now? The clothes were crap, and the fashion was bad. Why cant we progress instead of regress?
TV is a dying platform with YouTube and streaming taking over. This wont last long. Hopefully she got a good contract deal out of it and can make bank quick.
In Texas on Toll road 130.
She said she just wanted to go for the “experience and parties” She doesnt care about getting an education because she will be fed with a silver spoon for the rest of her life.
No, i just dont care anymore to respond. I said what i wanted to say and im bored now. Again, internet arguments are pointless.
Na, not really.
Oh well, its an internet argument and it means nothing.
Not sure how this all blew up. Not saying McDonalds didnt have it coming. I just said this lady probably saw her meal ticket(pun intended) for an easy million. eating something too hot and then swallowing it and burning your throat in the process is entirely her fault.
Just get an iphone. Does the same thing as a droid, but without the worries if malware in its store.
old meme, but ok.
But was that how it spilled on her? or was it just an accident and the coffee that spilled on her was too hot? Ive had pizza that burnt my tongue for a week, but i didn’t cry about it and try to sue the company.