
How do you figure hes gay?

Actually i dont care what race or gender a character is and care more about what their skills and abilities in game are. Hence why i main bangalore in apex legends whom is a black female.

There already is one?

So what is a black person then? Thats like saying a German isnt a white person. #notallwhitepeoplearethesame

Where does it say hes not?

Its a video game, not real life. If you care that much what race or gender your character is rather than what their skills and abilities are, then you are playing games wrong.

Surprised they didnt make him trans. 

No shes doesnt. That family just needs to go away. no one cares about them.

So are white people not allowed to win awards anymore?

CS go uses 64 tick servers and even those feel delayed. 

So i guess there are no more players now?

How can you make beef jerky look younger?

Companies love twitch, its free advertisement. PUBG would have gotten no where if it weren’t for twitch streamers.

You mean the president of Nintendo carried a Nintendo portable console on him at all times just for that perfect photo op because its great marketing.

shit for brains how? He was made out to be someone hes not by the WP and its still working somehow. He is a genius if he can get rich off of this BS. Who cares about the WP anyways and if they are hurt by this.

Gawker media still butthurt on that one? Dont make up false stories to push an agenda and you wont get punished for it when you are caught.

He lied about getting attacked to further push his agenda and split the country even more. Hes fucked in the head.

Rob spaghetti always reminds me of Bill Burr

Im sorry, but g wagons are so hideous. Its a perfect box on wheels. 

Games arent exclusive to steam though? Its the other companies that keep their games on their own service aka origin,, uplay. I have used steam for 14 years now and its the only game launcher i need. I dont want to have to create another account and download another launcher just to play one game.