Isnt blackface with red paint on the lips?
Isnt blackface with red paint on the lips?
Imagine writing all that just to boil it down to you hate white people. gotta love the echo chambers.
I dont watch Tv either. Some people just find joy in doing things other than sitting on the couch or bed and binge watching a show. I dont even have netflix or hulu
mazdaspeed miata?
Great job on keeping the racism trail fueled!
Yeah this little shit is definitely the “my dad will sue you” type of bitch.
Kotaku does this a lot. “ X did this and the internet is freaking out” is common headline on kotaku articles.
TBF it doesnt help that kotaku and every other site on this conglomerate of blogs cross post to every other site. So you can be on kotaku and click on an article not knowing you are actually on splinter.
Because its stupid and makes all men ashamed of being a man. Also they pander to the BLM audience by having every white person the bad guy and having every black person a hero. its a pandering SJW commercial.
Because its supposed to make men feel ashamed for being born a man. Yeah some men have done some shitty things but that doesn’t make me responsible for them.
Because peoples feelings get hurt when they lose. Same reason why Blizzard allows the N word with a hard r but will auto block “gg ez” and replace it with a random phrase.
fortnite still exist
ummmm no. no matter the race or gender i would’ve done the same. They were pushing him and getting close to him so he pushed back and they came back so he punched one. What should he have done? Stood there and continued to get pushed and harassed?
not with ublock!
People are still paying for porn in 2019. People will always be wasteful on how they spend their money.
People are still paying for porn in 2019. People will always be wasteful on how they spend their money.
$200 an hour is not a nice salary? Even after taxes and expense it will still come out to something like $100 per hour profit. Doing that for only 25hrs a week ( streaming) is a pretty good gig and better than most peoples full time jobs.
Well its a good thing the money was donated to him and not made through youtube ads
Cant even get the hair right. So this is basically two people who bought couples Team Rocket outfits and put them on and take pictures and somehow they are on this site.
Thats the common issue with this whole argument. Most women dont even really know what 7,8,9 inches looks like so they just guess on dick size and are usually way off.