
cdwag is white.

I thought black people were only violent because of socio-economic issues?  What’s this dude’s excuse?  Let me guess?  White Supremacy right?  Is it White Supremacy (TM)?

kill yourself

You are a butthurt little bitchass.  Your mom and/or daughter like to gargle my cum, fucktard.  Tell that ho I’m coming for my money.  

Rachel Dolezal lived and identified as a black woman. Those who knew her thought she was black. Meghan Markle has lived as a white woman her entire adult life. She only dated white men. She played white women in her acting roles.  She identifies as biracial only because the media would crucify her if she didn’t. I

Aww, did I hit a nerve there my little “Hebrew” buddy? Don’t you have some white kids to harass so the media can make them the bad guys even though you’re part of a hate group responsible for widespread violence?  Hmmm

^ Nazi sympathizer

Like your buddies killed the Jews in the gas chambers, hmmm?  Peace and Love my brother.

Judging by the amount of coverage y’all keep giving this elitist bitch black people sure do wanna be white!

cdwag is a white person

cdwag is a white person

cdwag is a white person

cdwag is a white person

cdwag is a white person.

Doesn’t intersectionality start to break down when you realize black people are actually more bigoted towards LGBTQ people than white people? I mean, not as bigoted as they are towards white CIS men and Jews but...

Rachel Dolezal is more authentically Black than Meghan Markle.

Tyler Perry Is America’s Greatest Entertainer

i like to stick my dick in the mash potatoes.

DJ Khaled, performing? I do not think that word means what you think it does.

When Instagram Strippers have completely replaced actual musicians and what’s popular is bought and paid to play can we even pretend to be surprised those same people patting themselves on the backs may not be on the up and up?