
Apparently you can’t read because that’s what I said in my last post. None of those groups are what would be considered “black” by today’s standards you fucking idiot. And I do live near 8mile, so the chances of being shot by some ignorant black person is not that out of the realm of possibility.  Seems that’s all

I mean technically The Egyptians and Babylonians first started using math to figure out debts around 3000bc? Hell, cavemen were thinking about abstract groupings if you want to get specific. Also, if we are all equal why do you contend that POC are naturally smarter and have contributed more to civilization? Could it

Funny that you think I owe you anything dipshit. Have a good day.


Death threats, really? You are so easily triggered? Also, math was not invented by people of color it was invented by the ancient Greeks, who did not have a modern concept of race and made no such classifications so sit your sorry ass down boy before I throw back a meaningless threat of violence back atcha.  LOL

Like they’d let your black ass on the green.

If you came with anything approaching humor or intellect I would react in kind but since you can’t I’m just gonna coast on this one.  Get it now?  Equal and opposite.

Because y’all a bunch of hypocritical fools and I enjoy making fun of you when I’m bored?

Keep telling yourself that, Reginald.  Wakanda is fiction.  Black people would still be living in trees if it weren’t for colonialism.  ;P

In that black people are incapable of trying hard because they are lazy.

Lucky i have so much privilege to fall back on, eh?  I’m white.  What’s your excuse for being a racist asshole?

Considering how much violent crime black people are responsible for it could be anywhere, right?

See, now you‘re acting like a black person.

The man stole money from a charity he was running.  Who the fuck really cares how much this costs?  I mean, if you’re not against him now, you think this is gonna push yo over the edge?  Yawn.

I hope somebody rapes your punk bitch ass.  We all know you jerk off to Taylor Swift while flogging yourself.

Without white people you’d still be living in a hut eating bugs off the end of a stick, retard.  Talk about “heritage”...

Quit slut shaming moms you nazi cunt.

For every action...  Try harder shitstain.

Now you get it.  Good?  Good!  Good.  Ha!

Hey just because you have to announce to your neighborhood that you like to diddle little boys has nothing to do with me.  Oddly specific, Epstein.  We all know you didn’t kill yourself.