I honestly think it wouldn't have happened without AV Club.
I honestly think it wouldn't have happened without AV Club.
Yeah that was really cool. I knew they'd do something special, like when they'd make jokes about cliffhangers in the fadeout.
Yes indeed. Remember that guy who showed up in the comments, all like "Leave Britney Alone!" and we had to explain to him that we tease the show because we love it?
Wait what are you guys talking about? I watched it on Hulu, as I watch everything. Was there something extra for the broadcast?
We love you Les! :)
" of other worlds than these"
Best ever
, welcome to it! *punch*
You know what? That chick had lemon face in every promo pic, and just about every scene. If she didn't wanna be there, I'm fine with her going. I'd be perfectly happy watching the Ichabod & Jenny show, and the wannabe Cisco & Caitlyn kids they added are likeable enough….though the girl does seem to be a little bit on…
He was great on Lost, and he puts his twitchyness to good use here.
Wow I thought you mean Terminator 2, but then there's the police thing….
Reaper was great, as was The Loop.
Argh, bummer but they had so little time…
I second this. JJ was awesome.
AFAIK, if they have lines, they're not extras, but I know what you mean. :)
Yes all those things were great. It what Sanctuary started to be, and then wasn't.
Changing room mirrors. Free clothes forever.