
Good God, I didn’t mean to make that about me. Poor time to relate a reaction, because who cares what I think. But I can tell you that if the way you related that in your first post (which was incredibly powerful in its understatement that sort of took a moment to catch up to to realize what you were saying) isn’t

The teachable moment is not “don’t get caught,” for Christ’s sake.

HOW could anyone miss that memo? They couldn’t .

Those girls’ parents failed them. Or taught them . Either way, they should all be ashamed.

It’s sad and pathetic how desperate some people are to use an instrument of harm and hate.

Any decent white person would not want to say that word. It’s been used in this country for some of the worst hate and crimes the country has committed (yes, all countries do, in the name of many things...but in the name of hate is not even in the realm of arguable as an honorable reason). Nah. If someone is that

Oh please. I’m sorry; no. You do not get to be 18 and claim you never knew this was wrong and also that it would be perceived poorly.

VA Tech is a decent school. There is no excuse for being so ignorant, “malicious intent” or no.

If my daughter were one if those girls, I would be mortified and spend every day trying to figure out where I went so wrong.

Have you checked your homeowners/property insurance to see if you can get coverage for your bike? Might be worth a look/call.

What happened to you?

WTF is a “Kinta Kunta”? Oh, I know what you think you’re trying to say, but a) it’s demeaning and racist and ignorant, and b) you can’t even get your word order (or spelling) right. And it’s right on his shirt omg.

What? What are you saying?

Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get your story out of my head; I can’t imagine what was like for you.

Why did it make sense?

Jennette McCurdy. And she’s got some axes to grind. Something weird happened there.

He’s got future MRA written all over him. Mamas, lock up your babies!

Oh, no, the more inside-baseball the better!

Her eyes are slightly different shapes. Mine are similar. Made much less apparent with makeup applied to balance it, but nude you can see it better.

I don’t live on the Bay Area (my ex-husband is from there, though, so I used to go out to visit his family a lot). But I usually turn down the youngers. Seriously may need to rethink bc my last two dates have been or been followed by awfulness. One just last night in fact. Ugh, what a waste of time!